Discover 4 Powerful Steps For Finding CONNECTION, JOY, PURPOSE, And Getting Rid Of OVERWHELM Now!
Most men believe that chasing external goals by Doing, Doing, Doing, will lead them to FULFILMENT and JOY
But that is NOT how it works.
What I've found is that highly driven men walk around with poise, confidence, and purpose.
They show up powerfully to their business, and contribute tremendously to their business's bottom line.
They have it all together...on the OUTSIDE
But when you step in the room and take an honest look...what you'll find is:
The FEAR of letting their spouses, and children down.
The constant feeling of OVERWHELM that is preventing them to focus and get to the next level.
Impatience, because SUCCESS isn't happening fast enough.
TIME... there just not enough of it.
The lack of a FULFILLED feeling in their career and business.
The GUILT that they carry when they are at work instead of being with their family.
The GUILTY feelings when they spend time with their family and instead thinking about work.
The increasing DISCONNECTION from their relationships.
The feeling they are "PLAYING SMALL" and the knowing that they have much more to offer.
In the 12 week INDESTRUCTIBLE DAD program you and I will work ONE-ON-ONE to:
IDENTIFY and SHATTER Your Biggest Limiting Beliefs, Lies, Perspectives and Stories currently holding you hostage...
REORIENT yourself toward the direction you thought you lost...
Regain CONTROL of your life and enjoy more fulfilling connections & guilt-free time...
Powerfully live your ULTIMATE LIFE VISION without spending long hours at work...
Gain unshakeable CONFIDENCE in your progress that matches your drive, work ethic, and your goals...
It all starts with a simple conversation from one Dad who's been there, to another...
Three years ago, I lost perspective with work and many aspects of life. What I’d been doing for the past decade and a half wasn’t inspiring anymore.
It felt that all the “work” was for nothing. More than that, I felt I was letting my wife and children down.
So, for a whole year, I put my head down looking for higher financial rewards. I took on more responsibility and I "sacrificed" until things got better.
Instead, I became DISCONNECTED.
At work, I felt I should be home with my family. At home and at the gym, my mind was at work.
The pressure to be the provider, protector and the man of the house left me stressed and physically drained. I struggled to find balance between work and the life I truly wanted. I felt that I had no time and that I was running out of it.
Looking back and connecting the dots, my journey started more than 3 years ago. It took a decade to finally stop ignoring the signs.
It was years of me putting my physical and mental health on hold. Friendships that weren’t nurtured faded away. Opportunities for fun and play were passed up. And the fear of not seeing my kids grow up was stronger.
It took me a long time to understand that you can’t hustle your way to joy and fulfillment. When you chase externals by doing, doing, doing, you are only running away from yourself, family, and friends.
Then I found the formula, the methodology that allowed me to break through all the negative chatter that had kept me from showing up to my family, friends, and myself.
A methodology is founded on the life-changing insights from neuroscience, psychology, and personal growth, all blended into a single conversation. A simple system that I implement in my life every day to:
Identify the root source of self-sabotage and limitations.
Identify the patterns of thinking that keep me stuck.
Overcome the deepest inner conflicts and most challenging inner obstacles
Allows me to go past "woo" to the neuroscience of beliefs, what they are, how they work, and how to change them.
This system is what I used to turn my life around so instead of UNFULFILLED, I feel I have a PURPOSE.
Instead of DISCONNECTED, I’ve started over with old connections, I’m more present with my boys in a way that I wasn’t before. I’m developing deeper, richer relationships with more and more people.
Instead of OVERWHELMED, I’m now CALMER, and AWARE. I don’t have to figure everything out and that I have more than enough time to do the things that I need to do. I'm aware of the thinking that was causing overwhelm and can redirect those thoughts toward what I want.
Yes, you must work for your dreams...
But, what if the effort came from a place of inspiration and joy where you don’t spend energy and thoughts on a future filled with "WHAT IF'S?"
You see, the hustle isn’t important to your children. It’s not about what you give or say to them. What’s important is HOW you are being for them. Are you RELAXED, JOYFUL, and ENGAGED?